
Esra Cuhadar and Burcu Gultekin Punsmann. 2012. Reflecting on the Two Decades of Bridging the Divide: Taking Stock of Turkish-Armenian Civil Society Activities. Ankara: TEPAV Publications.


Refereed Journals

Ronit Kampf and Esra Cuhadar (2014) Do computer games enhance learning about conflicts? A cross-national inquiry into proximate and distant scenarios in Global Conflicts. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI forthcoming)

Esra Cuhadar and Ronit Kampf. (2014). Learning about Conflict and Negotiations through Computer Simulations: The Case of PeaceMaker. International Studies Perspectives, vol. 15, 142-162. (SSCI)

Esra Cuhadar, Juliet Kaarbo, Baris Kesgin, Binnur Ozkececi. Examining Leaders’ Orientations to Structural Constraints: Turkey’s 1991 and 2003 Iraqi War Decisions, Journal of International Relations and Development, forthcoming. (SSCI)

Esra Cuhadar (2012) with Bruce Dayton. Oslo and its Aftermath: Lessons Learned from Track Two Diplomacy. Negotiation Journal. April, 155-179. (SSCI)

Esra Cuhadar (2011) (with Bruce Dayton). The Social Psychology of Identity and Intergroup Conflict: From Theory to Practice,International Studies Perspectives, vol. 12, pp.273-293. (SSCI)

Esra Cuhadar (2010) (with Meliha Altunisik) “Turkey’s Search for a Third Party Role in the Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts: A Neutral Facilitator or a Principal Power Mediator?” Mediterranean Politics, vol. 15, no. 3. (SSCI) 

Esra Çuhadar. (2009) “Assessing Transfer from Track Two Diplomacy: The Cases of Water and Jerusalem,” Journal of Peace Research, vol. 46, no. 5. (SSCI)

Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak. (2007) “Track Two Diplomacy from a Track One Perspective: Comparing the Perceptions of Turkish and American Diplomats,” International Negotiation, Vol. 12, no. 1.

Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak (2007) “Turkey as a Third Party in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Assessment and Reflections”Perceptions, vol 12, no. 1. 

Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak (2004) (with Binnur Özkeçeci-Taner) “Decision-Making Process Matters: Lessons   Learned from Two Turkish Foreign Policy Cases” Turkish Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, Summer.


Chapters in Books

Esra Cuhadar and Dan Druckman. (2014). Representative Decisionmaking: Democratic peace theory in light of constituency constraints. In Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives, Mauro Gallucio (ed.). New York: Springer. (forthcoming)

Cuhadar, Esra. 2012. Toplumsal temas: Önyargı ve ayrımcılığı önlemek için bir sosyal değişim aracı olarak kullanılabilir mi? Kenan Çayır ve Müge Ayan Ceyhan (der.), Ayrımcılık: Çok Boyutlu Yaklaşımlar. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Cuhadar, Esra. 2011. Dış Politikada ‘Karar Birimleri’ Açısından Karar Alma Süreçleri ve Türkiye Örneği. Ertan Efegil, Rıdvan Kalaycı, Müge Aknur, (der.), Dış Politika Analizi ve Türk Dış Politikası Cilt II. Nobel Yayınevi.

Druckman, D., E. Cuhadar, N. Beriker, and B. Celik (2010) “Representative Decision Making: Constituency Constraints on Collective Action” In Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation, Francesco Aquilar and Mauro Galluccio (eds.). New York: Springer.

Fox, K., M. Schonewille, and E. Cuhadar (2010) “Lessons from the Field: First Impressions from Second Generation Negotiation Teaching” In Venturing Beyond the Classroom: Volume 2 in the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Series, C. Honeyman, J. Coben, and G. de Palo (eds.). Saint Paul, MN: DRI Press.

Cuhadar, Esra and Andreas Kotelis. (2009) “Cyprus: A Divided Civil Society in Stalemate” In T. Paffenholz (ed.), Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Approach. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Cuhadar, E. and S. Hanafi. (2009) “Israel and Palestine: Civil Societies in Despair” In Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Approach, T. Paffenholz (ed.). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Cuhadar, Esra (2009) “Çatışma Ortamlarında Üçüncü Şahısların Uzlaşma Amaçlı Müdahaleleri ve Çeşitleri,” (Third Party Intervention Mechanisms in Conflicts), Beriker, Nimet (der.) Çatışmadan Uzlaşmaya: Kuramlar, Süreçler ve Uygulama. Istanbul: Bilgi Universitesi Yayınları.

Esra Çuhadar, Bruce Dayton, and Thania Paffenholz. (2008) “Evaluation in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding” In A Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sean Byrne, Dennis J.D. Sandole, Ingrid Sandole-Staroste, and Jessica Senehi (eds.). London and New York:  Routledge.


Research Reports and Other

Esra Cuhadar (2010) Problem Solving Workshops. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Peace, N. Young (ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Esra Cuhadar (2010) Israel-Palestine Peace: Unofficial Efforts. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Peace. N. Young (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak and Alexandru Balas (2005) “Uyuşmazlıkların Mahkemeler Dışında Çözümüne ve Hukuk Sistemine Entegrasyonuna Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış,” Istanbul: Open Society Institute. (Unpublished manuscript prepared on Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms and their integration into the Turkish legal system) 

Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak and Oya Memişoğlu. (2005) “Varieties of Mediating Activities and their Complementarity in the Cyprus Conflict” Regional Development Dialogue, vol. 26, no. 1, Spring. (United Nations Center for Regional Development).



Ç. Esra Çuhadar and Monica Rafael Simoes, 2013. Notes from NOREF and İhsan Doğramacı Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research: Summary and Reflections on the Turkish and Norwegian Approaches to the Arab Spring and Peace-building, All-Azimuth: Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace Research, vol. 2, issue 1.

Review of “Building Trust: Overcoming Suspicion in International Conflict,” by Aaron Hoffman. International Studies Review, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2007.