Title: Associate Professor

Department: Department of Political Science and Public Administration

Areas of Interest:

  • Conflict resolution and peacebuilding, negotiation, mediation
  • Political psychology
  • Political leadership, foreign policy decision-making
  • Research methods


My research has evolved in three general themes. First, I’ve done various research projects concerning how peace negotiations can be broadened and become more inclusive. In this respect, I’ve studied the contributions of Track Two diplomatic initiatives to Track One negotiations, the role of civil society in peacebuilding, and most recently focus on women and other actors in these processes.

Second, I’ve done research on the pedagogy of conflict resolution. I focused on measuring the effectiveness of active learning and teaching tools, especially computer games, in teaching about conflicts. In a number of cross-cultural experimental studies, I examined whether such games contributed to the development of perspective taking and enhanced learning about conflict dynamics.

Third, I’ve done work on decision-making in foreign policy especially focusing on political leadership. I’ve completed a study examining the leadership styles of 6 Turkish leaders beginning with Turgut Ozal to see what impact these different styles had on foreign policy decisions they were involved in.


My teaching has largely concentrated in various aspects of peace and conflict resolution (negotiation and mediation skills as well as a theoretical course on conflict, violence, and peace) and political psychology (both undergraduate and graduate levels). I’ve also taught the mandatory research methods courses both at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Office: Building H, 350

Phone: +90 312 290 10 91
